These Regulations will come into effect on April 20, 2024. These Regulations may be modified at any time by authorized agents of the club.
The field doors will close at 5:15 pm. After this time, no one else will be able to enter the field.
All kids will have to be accompanied by parents or an adult throughout the training. Kid who are not accompanied by an adult will be fined $25 per practice.
A kid who misses practice or does not make an effort during practice will not be called to the games. Every Thursday night or Friday morning the list of players who must show for that game that week will be sent.
The called players must arrive to the game 45 minutes before the game. Player arriving after the stipulated time will be fined $20, not including referee fee.
Called player who cancels on the day of the game will be fined $25.
The cost of referee is $10 per game and must be given at arrival time.
All kids must wear the proper club uniforms during practices and during games.
The new contribution fee will be $75 per month per child every 20th of each month. After the 20th of each month, there will be a fine of $5 for each day.
The contribution must be delivered to Angela Arteaga and Evelyn Bustillo. Angela and Evelyn are the new club registrars, and they will be added to all Whats-app groups.